Wednesday, 13 June 2012

O parsnip- where have thou been?

A perfect dish to compliment the colder months- Parsnip soup with croutons.
I must confess that I actually did not cook this dish- I know shock horror! But my husband did and it was delicious and perfect for these cold evenings. Warmed my belly right up. It was quite easy to make (she says) and all credit should be given to the hero of the dish- the parsnip. It was creamy and I'm sure kids wouldn't even know what was in it. Toasted some croutons and with the left over potato skins (yes there are also potatoes in the soup) WE deep friend them and salted them for a bit of crunch! Reminds me of by gone days when my Nannu used to make potato crisps. Perfect Vegetarian recipe or a winter warmer. Let me know if you want the recipe! Enjoy!

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