Friday, 21 September 2012

“Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting” J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan

Year 12's last day in class today so I thought I'd make something that represented the four years we had together- a visual representation of some sort. So I decided to make my melting moment biscuits (see recipe on recipe page) but with a twist.

Bought some marzipan and fondant and created some books to represent our love of literature, all things English and all the books we read during those years.

It was extremely fiddly- I dyed some of the marzipan in different colours (aka green and pink  food dye and kept left overs for the cream pages).

Got the hubby to find images of the book covers and shrink them to size and print (not edible). 

Then I basically moulded the outside of the book to the picture and slotted in some pages. Finishing touches were stick paper on with butter cream and add some spine indentations.

Not bad for a first time. And I made a play list to go with it all!!!

yr 12 with their books

And they were much appreciated!!!! It was all oooohh and aaahhhhhhhhh! Everyone fought over their favourite book. Another success methinks, for food and literature.

Good luck in your exams!!

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